2025 UT Legislative Bill Shock

SB 2024 - They are coming for your guns - 1739153530235.mp4

Notice of Intent - SB 204 (Suspensive Appeal Amendments)

Sign on to this Notice of Intent to join thousands of Utahns who are against SB 204, the "Suspensive Appeal Amendments" as currently written as of February 8, 2025. This bill threatens the ability to place an injunction and stop the immediate harm that people of Utah and removing the separation of powers.

Join us by completing this FORM to join our cause and stand up for our Constitutional rights! An email will be initiated on your behalf and will include a Notice of Intent to seek just compensation for the deprivation of your guaranteed right.

Please invite at least ten people

Together, we can protect our rights and uphold the integrity of our system.

Thank you for your support!